Federal Risk and Authorization Program (FedRAMP)

In 2011, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a memorandum establishing the Federal Risk and Authorization Program (FedRAMP) “to provide a cost-effective, risk-based approach for the adoption and use of cloud services to Executive departments and agencies”. The General Services Administration (GSA) established the FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) in June 2012.

The FedRAMP PMO mission is to promote the adoption of secure cloud services across the Federal Government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment. Per the OMB memorandum, any cloud services that hold federal data must be FedRAMP Authorized.

Our FedRAMP Readiness Baseline

Our FedRAMP Readiness Baseline service is based on our proprietary Adaptive Risk Model (ARM) methodology. The Cyturus ARM identifies deficiencies, measures potential business impact, and recommends prioritized remediation actions across the entire enterprise. This service can be ingested into the Cyturus C2MA framework for deeper examination and lateral impact as part of a future holistic engagement.

Is your organization prepared for the FedRAMP certification process? Do you need expert guidance in evaluating processes? Contact us to discuss your FedRAMP level of preparedness and begin to implement a framework and set of processes that will guide your organization to FedRAMP maturity.

Cyturus CRT Risk and Compliance Tracker with a green and blue lock

Know Your FedRAMP Level

By developing a FedRAMP compliance baseline through a partnership with Cyturus, your organization can address remediation based on a defined remediation game plan. The Cyturus FedRAMP Readiness service will assist in developing a roadmap toward eventual FedRAMP certification while managing the process and associated SSP within our proprietary and patent-pending CRT platform.